Some of the products and information contained in this website or sold via this website are not our products or information, but valuable assets we have sourced from other people. Because we have not created these products or information, we cannot make any promises about their fitness for your purposes, accuracy or correctness of the information. We use and rely upon the marketing material provided by the creator/owner of the product or service to promote their products.

If you have any concerns about the product you purchase, please contact the owner/creator of that product directly.  

We earn affiliate income from the products and information that we promote. Affiliate income is similar to a marketing fee paid to us by the original creator or owner of the products or information for helping them to ‘get it out there’. You can probably source the same products or information via other websites without us receiving an affiliate commission if you really want to. We would prefer it if you used our affiliate link because the income generated by this website helps to keep us in business.